Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let's Collaborate!

      There are so many factors in divorce to worry about once you enter the arena. The decisions can seem endless: the children, the taxes, the finances, the furniture, the house, the cars, the snowmachines, the checking accounts, the property up North, the holidays, the weekends, vacations, spousal maintenance, child support, and the list goes on and on. It can be incredibly overwhelming for the most capable person.
      One option available to divorcing couples that want to stay out of court is to have a team of divorce professionals that work together to support and guide you through the divorce process. This approach includes attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals, divorce coaches, child specialists, and any other professionals needed to address the issues in your divorce. For more information about collaborative practice visit the following links:
Watch this video about Collaborative Divorce in Alaska:

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